• Sauna hours

  • Áraink

6.30-21.30 every day except Friday
6.30-24.00 on Fridays

Pedicure from Monday to Friday

Our address:

2016 Leányfalu, Móricz Zsigmond út 142.

To make an appointment, please call +36 70 978 4352.


Délelőtti Szauna 3 000
Du, hétvégi Szauna 4 000
Esti belépő - 19.00 -tól, hétköznap 3 000
Szauna bérlet délelőtti 27 000
Szauna bérlet 36 000
Törölköző, lepedő bérlet 800

Fürdőbelépő a Szauna vendégeknek: 3 700 Ft éjszaka 4 800 Ft



There is more to having a sauna session than sitting about...


Steam bath

Steam baths were already used by the ancient Greeks. . Whe...



A legősibb természetes gyógymódok egyike a masszázs. A...


Refreshment Bar

While playing or doing sports, sauna and steam bath sessio...

Welcome to the website of the Sauna House!

Dear guests,

We are now calling your attention to the fact that if you have a massage or pedicure session, which is at least 30 minutes long, you will be invited to use both the sauna and steam bath for free.

There is more to having a sauna session than sitting about on a sauna bench.

It is a journey with various stations, at the end of which you can find the harmony of the body and soul. 

Steam baths were already  in use by the ancient Greeks. If you use the steam bath properly, you will thereby have stress relieved in an effective way, have your system relaxed and refreshed, and have your state of mind improved.  

Massage is one of the oldest  and most pleasant methods of a natural sort, suitable for preventing and curing diseases, as well as for maintaining health






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